
Authority. Command. Respect. These are the three core values you must feel when you look at an aviation industry staff. They stand for strength and respect. Along with highly intensive security, it adds responsibility to their role as they hold several lives in their hands up in the sky or on the ground.   Confident and bold clothing, combined with comfort to allow for hours of long physical work, are a must to keep staff happy and to project the right brand values to the customers.

Flying staff uniforms
Courage, confidence, and grit are what you associate with flying staff. From courageous pilots donning their whites to the ever-smiling air hostesses donning their suits making sure people have a safe journey.
Ground staff
From airport management to front-end executives all work together to make sure that people board their flight without having any discomfort. Comfort for long shifts, as well as the right image to command a sense of authority, are key to these roles.
Baggage staff uniforms
Airports are always on high alert and baggage staff executives make sure that everything is done within the guidelines. Durability and comfort are imperative for these roles as they demand physical work and strength.